by Ted Heckathorn
history consists
of dates, facts
and information
that are a matter
of record and not
the subject of
debate. There are,
however, a few
disputed events
that have
generated heated
disputes for
decades such as
Pearl Harbor, the
Assassination, and
the North Pole
Controversy. For
over 45 years my
goal had been to
collect all
pertinent data on
the polar issue to
determine if it
could be resolved.
Ten years ago,
with the demise of
Robert E. Peary's
1909 polar claim,
I expressed the
hope that
explorers and
historians would
now be able to
examine Dr.
Frederick Cook's
1908 claim in a
manner to arrive
at areas of
Unfortunately I
neglected to
anticipate and
factor one
librarian's ego
into the equation,
which leads us to
the current
Russell Gibbons,
the editor of Polar
advised me that
librarian Robert
Bryce had written
a vituperative,
personal attack on
me in DIO &
The Journal of
This came as a
surprise because I
had known and
frequently shared
Peary polar
research material
with DIO's
publisher Dennis
Rawlins for over
25 years. Rawlins
had sent me no
advance notice,
opportunity to
respond, or a copy
of the article as
is customary with
periodicals and
newspapers. The
librarian included
similar ugly
personal attacks
on the Frederick
A. Cook Society,
Russell Gibbons,
and Sheldon S.R.
Cook. Apparently
our collective
crime had been to
question some of
Bryce's pet
theories and write
reviews of his
1133-page opus, Cook
& Peary: The
Polar Controversy
Resolved. In
my case, I had
praised his
research efforts
in finding obscure
archival material,
pointed out some
factual errors and
disagreed with
several of his
conclusions that
were refuted by
data that I found
during many years
of archival and
field research.
list of Bryce
bloopers continues
to infinity and it
is useless to
point them out to
him because he has
a rationalization
for each one. As
an example, from
Bryce's book
bungles, I
mentioned that
Gonnason and I
laughed about how
much he had shrunk
since 1956. Bryce
claimed that he
was 6"4'
tall. Of course it
was not Bryce's
fault at all
(according to him)
because he was
just quoting
someone else. Now
that really does
become a problem
when you use
information from
someone else
without giving
reference credit.
It might come back
to bite you! Would
you believe that
this is the same
Bryce who
castigated Dr.
Cook because he
had erroneously
recorded Peary's
height at
6"4' on one
of his documents!
Since Bryce has
become such an
expert on
analysis, one
wonders why he did
not compare the
heights of
Heckathorn and
Gonnason from a
1994 photo in Polar
Priorities or
the 1996 edition
of To the Top
of the Continent.
course the easiest
solution to
Bryce's dilemma
would have been to
accept a trip to
Seattle in 1996 at
FACS expense where
he could have met
Gonnason in
person, as well as
others who were
the leading
experts on Mount
McKinley's East
Ridge. Bryce's
claim that he
would have learned
nothing from such
an event tells
much about his
mental processes.
He boasted of his
quest to obtain
first-hand data
from experts. Yet,
when he had a
unique opportunity
to do so regarding
Mount McKinley in
1996, it suddenly
became a waste of
his time. Note
that this is the
same researcher
who wasted time
writing and
calling the Filson
Club in Kentucky, the
Golden Spike
Monument in Utah,
and other places
on irrelevant
issues in his
rather unbalanced
effort to trash
is a person
of rigorous
and his
knowledge of
in even more
than his
Rawlins, 'DIO,'
vol. 6, 1992
are typical
of amateur
(in this
Bryce in 'DIO,'
vol. 9, 1999 |
with most of
Bryce's other
complaints about
what I have
reported from my
investigations, if
he really wanted
information he
could have called
me to obtain
instead of making
wild assumptions.
For example, by
his own admission,
he talked to
Sheldon S.R. Cook
for two hours to
get major details
about my 1994
expedition's field
operations. Now I
did bring Sheldon
into our base camp
for one night, but
he was not part of
our climbing team,
and had left the
Ruth Glacier
before we even
started our
journey up the
North Fork. There
are things he
never knew and did
not experience
while we were on
the ice. In this
regard, Sheldon
would not be a
primary source of
information. It is
most interesting
that Bryce avoided
contacting any
members of the
actual climbing
team, and it is
obvious that he
did not want to
hear anything from
us that might
disturb his
conclusions. This
blunder led to a
number of his
errors going into
print. It also
puts to rest his
spurious claim
that he honestly
tried to use
primary sources
for his book. In
contrast, Brad
Washburn came to
my home in
November 1994 to
discuss the
expedition, and
also he had a
personal meeting
with Vern Tejas in
Brad and I
disagree about Dr.
Cook, he made a
genuine effort to
obtain accurate,
information, and
we have had
discussions on
several occasions.
In Bryce's case,
he never made even
a token effort,
then resorted to
name-calling to
compensate for his
deficiency (D108).
Bryce quips,
"this is
especially so when
you consider the
lightweights he
[Washburn] is up
against in the
three Cookites."
In his new 2001
book, The
Disreputable Dr.
Cook, Washburn
provided details
about our 1994
expedition and his
index includes
references for
four members of
our climbing team.
On the other hand,
there is no
mention of either
Bryce or his book.
Perhaps this
provides a clue
about who Washburn
considers is the
in the Mount
Controversy. Once
again, in Bryce's
ugly name-calling,
he appears to have
described himself.
is neither time
nor space to go
into all of
Bryce's other 100+
pages of rants,
complaints and
bungles. Many of
his complaints are
so trivial that
they border on the
ridiculous, but I
will provide a
random sampling of
them. For example,
he makes all sorts
of assumptions
about my omission
on a 1998 map of a
segment of Cook's
1908 journey. This
was where Cook
passed and then
returned back to
Cape Sparbo on
Devon Island. I
omitted this loop
because it was
near the edge of
the map, and would
have caused
confusion about
the year it
occurred, 1908 or
1909. Since the
map was not in
color, I could not
use different
colors to
distinguish the
year, and there
was insufficient
space for detailed
explanatory notes.
Additionally, to
avoid unnecessary
confusion on the
same map, I also
did not include
all of the looping
1908 boat journey
track in western
Jones Sound, or
the 1907 journeys
along the coast of
example wild
Bryce research was
his attempt to
ridicule Russ
Gibbons (D53).
Bryce cited a
testy 1956
exchange Gibbons
had with Ted
Leitzell (a Cook
advocate in the
1930s), where
Leitzell claimed
that "the
supposed crony of
Peary [MacMillan]
was not and never
had been an
officer or
director at
Bryce in his
eagerness to snipe
at Gibbons never
bothered to verify
allegation. The
fact of the matter
is that the
in question
[Eugene F.
McDonald] was not
only the first
president of
Corporation, but
also the guiding
force in the firm
until his death in
1958. McDonald
also had served as
of MacMillan's
1925 expedition to
North Greenland.
All of this
information was
available to
librarian Bryce in
the published
history of Zenith
Radio (unless he
forgot how to use
I have already
pointed out a host
of errors in
Bryce's book and DIO
writing, Bryce
claims I cannot
find any (D109).
Then, just two
paragraphs below,
he blunders into
another one when
he claims that the
buying power of
Barrill's 1909
bribe was only
$24,000, as
opposed to my
estimate of
Barrill's daughter
and his great
grandson told me
that he used the
bribe money to
obtain a new
five-bedroom home
in Darby, Montana,
and one of those
new contraptions
called an auto
mobile (the first
in Darby), among
other things. Does
Bryce seriously
believe that today
one can buy a new
five-bedroom home
and a better-grade
new car for a
total of $24,000?
He obviously has
not priced real
estate in Montana
lately, or
either. Perhaps if
had gained some
actual hands-on
experience in real
estate work he
would not have
displayed such a
ignorance of
property values.
to other errors in
Bryce's book, he
claims that
Borchgrevink was
the first to set
foot on the
Continent (p.
1012), that some
if not all of the
human bones that
Rudolph Franke saw
at Cape Sabine in
1908 were from
expedition (p.
1029), along with
many others.
Apparently for all
of his proclaimed
brilliance as a
polar historian,
Bryce has never
bothered to read
an account of
primary source or
otherwise. Had he
done so, he would
have learned that
Commander Schley (The
Rescue of Greely)
collected all the
corpses and placed
them in sealed
metal caskets for
return to the
United States.
When the caskets
were opened, one
of the biggest
in polar history
Tissue Paper Lions
of Mount McKinley
years ago George
Plimpton wrote his
famous book, Paper
Lion, about
the dream of a
middle-aged guy to
get down on the
field with real
pro football
players of the
Detroit Lions. He
actually had the
guts to try it,
and fortunately
didn't get his
head bashed in by
Alex Karras. On
the other hand,
Bryce claims that
anybody can fly
into the Great
Gorge of the Ruth
Glacier. Bryce
personally was
willing to travel
"tens of
thousands of
miles" to
almost everywhere
except Mount
McKinley and the
Arctic. His excuse
is that "he
does not have to,
he can get
everything he
needs from
libraries and
archives." He
wants everyone to
regard him as an
in this field of
endeavor, but
without having to
get his hands
dirty (or frozen)
by actually going
out on the ice,
crossing crevasses
and climbing ice
walls. Plimpton
realized that if
he wanted to gain
a greater
understanding of
football and
football players
he would need some
experience. Bryce
has never
progressed to that
point. If Plimpton
refers to himself
a "Paper
Lion" for
going down on the
field of action,
then consider him
at least heavy
grade wrapping
paper, while Bryce
would resemble
something along
the lines of a
Kleenex tissue.
Pegasus Peak
Sketch and the
Verdict of History
1994 Ruth Glacier
Expedition appears
to be the first
since 1910 (and
only the second
after Cook) to
ascend the North
Fork of the Ruth
Glacier. Bryce
ignored this fact
and claimed that
we did nothing
beyond what
Gonnason achieved
in 1956. On this
feeble excuse, he
relegated our
entire expedition
to an obscure
footnote (not
indexed) on page
1089 of his book,
and in typical
Bryce fashion,
even expunged me
from the
leadership of our
group. Gonnason in
1956 never went up
the North Fork to
reach the East
Ridge, and as a
result, failed to
understand how
Cook proceeded
from the Gateway.
Gonnason, from his
own observations
and Cook's
description, knew
that the East
Ridge was the
correct route, but
he could not
determine Cook's
starting point on
the ridge since he
did not have the
information from
Cook's 1906 diary.
Peak that Dr.
Cook saw when he
ascended the
East Ridge.
The photo also
includes an
overlay of the
sketch on page
52 of Cook's
1906 diary.
Bryce cannot
handle with any
semblance of logic
is the fact that
in 1994 we found
the sketch on page
52 of Cook's 1906
diary almost
exactly matches
with the view of
Pegasus and
Gunsight Peaks
that one sees from
atop the East
Ridge. We
photographed the
two peaks from the
East Ridge and in
aerial views. The
East Ridge rises
to 9,000-11,000
feet at the head
of the Ruth
Glacier. Pegasus
Peak cannot be
seen from the
floor of the Ruth
Glacier (about
5,000 feet) or
from Browne's Fake
Peak (about 5,800
feet) further to
the south because
the East Ridge
obstructs the
view. The face of
Gunsight Peak, as
illustrated in
Cook's sketch, is
not visible from
the south at the
Gateway or Fake
Peak. It only
appears in that
orientation from
atop the East
Bryce and other
Cook critics can
gyrate, postulate,
pontificate and
eructate as much
as they please,
but anyone who
goes to the East
Ridge in future
years will see
exactly what Cook
sketched in his
1906 diary and
described in his
book. Gonnason in
1956, Dr. Joseph
expedition in
1969, Galen Rowell
in 1978 and our
expedition in 1994
all concluded that
Cook and Barrill
were on the ridge
in 1906. This also
is the reason why
Brad Washburn
carefully ducks
this issue in his
new 2001 book
about Dr. Cook.
His own
Cook's sketch and
Brad has known
this since 1983,
when Hans Waale
sent him a copy of
Cook's sketch.
defense of the
accuracy of the
1909 Barrill
affidavit is
ludicrous. This is
especially so
Barrill's alleged
reason for turning
back at the
Gateway because of
bad crevasses.
Cook's photographs
at the Gateway in
1906, Browne's in
1910, Washburn's
in 1956, and ours
in 1994 and 1996,
do not show
crevasses at the
Gateway that would
prevent anyone
from proceeding
higher on the Ruth
Glacier. Browne
had no problem
proceeding in 1910
until he reached
those next to the
East Ridge. There
is absolutely no
question that
Barrill provided
his affidavit in
exchange for a
substantial amount
of money (Bryce
only quibbles
about the amount,
like the tale
about the tycoon
negotiating the
price with a
female movie
star). That is why
the affidavit
omits the standard
legal terminology
about financial or
Photographs of Mt.
Barrille taken in
1906, 1910, 1956,
1994 and
Washburn's 2001
statement all
refute Bryce's
contention that
the crevasses
because the ice
level of the
Gateway changed
between 1906 and
Frederick Cook's
enemies have
focused their
heavy artillery on
photograph and
caption barrages
on the lower Ruth
Glacier. They
cannot dispute
that Cook
continued up the
Ruth Glacier
beyond last of
Browne's Fake
Peaks to the
Gateway. There is
absolutely no
doubt about that
because Cook
published a
photograph of Mt.
Barrille. Cook's
enemies shrilly
trumpet that he
returned from that
point. Since 1994;
however, they have
been firing duds,
because we found
objective evidence
that he reached
the top of the
East Ridge.
Additionally, his
route description
across the East
Ridge, through the
Thayer Basin, and
to the summit is
borne out by film
and photographic
evidence in 1994
and 1996. Bryce's
allegations that
Cook could see
into the Thayer
Basin from the
Ruth Glacier or
any of Browne's
Fake Peaks are as
wild as many of
his other
speculations. In
1996, from an
airplane I could
not see into the
basin until we
were above 13,000
feet. I am sure
Washburn will
agree that Dr.
Cook did not have
an airplane in his
1906 gear list.
interested readers
wish to obtain
further (and
accurate) details
about what I
wrote, I strongly
recommend reading
the 1996 edition
of To the Top
of the Continent,
and the 19941999
issues of Polar
Priorities, to
learn what I
actually found and
reported. If you
still have any
questions about
Cook's ascent, be
bolder than the
Bryce (who talks
really ugly talk
but hasn't the
guts to walk the
walk); take a trip
to Mount McKinley
and fly up the
Ruth Glacier.
Proceed along the
East Ridge,
through the Thayer
Basin to the
summit. Then you
will see what Dr.
Cook sketched and
described, and
what my expedition
and others have
verified between
1956 and 1996.